Thursday, January 9

Memorizing Scripture

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8
When I was an undergraduate in college, I lived at home with my family–my mom, dad, and little brother, Sean, and sister, Summer. I am about 12 years older than my siblings, so they were about 7- or 8-years-old around that time. One of my favorite and most encouraging memories was hearing them memorize Bible verses for their Sunday School class all throughout the week.

They were SO good at it, and at the end of every semester, they'd get the highest awards for memorizing hundreds of verses in both the NIV(1984) and KJV versions. And it was then that I really started to realize the importance of memorizing Scripture.

There's something about memorizing God's word that does something to you. Maybe you've heard of this verse:
I have stored up your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
It really is true. You don't just forget His Word once you memorize it. It stays with you because you've "stored it up in your heart." And just when you need to hear something from Him, in the perfect moment, a verse you memorized pops up! It's encouraging, and it proves that God's Word is alive and at work within us! Not only that, but it may be exactly what someone you're talking to needs to hear.

Because memorizing Scripture is so important, I have taken time to design small packs of cards for specifically for women and girls so they can do JUST that!
I have several sets designed that have 25 cards each (different patterns available) and on the back of each, it is blank for you to write your verse on. **It is said that if you write something down, that's the equivalent of reading it 11 times and you're more likely to remember it!**

And sure–you could write them down on a plain sheet of paper, but if you're anything like me, you love pretty colors, trendy patterns and thick paper that will more than survive the jostling of your purse as you move from place to place throughout the day. You can order these cards here.
I also, upon numerous requests, just created a pack of 50 prayer cards pre-made in one set. This set is called "All About Jesus" (because it is!). Each card in the set is a different neon color, and each has a different verse (those of which I handpicked) to memorize. There are THOUSANDS of verses to memorize in the Bible, and it was tough to just stop at 50, but I made these to help you get started on memorizing! You can check these cards out here.

So, what are you waiting for? Go memorize some Scripture! :)

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