Monday, June 16

4 Pinterest Boards You Shouldn't Have

God has laid this on my heart a while ago, and I'm finally getting around to writing this. I really enjoy Pinterest. It's like this gold mine of awesome ideas that are all in one place that I can organize by category. I am on it ALL THE TIME. Behind the Bible and creation itself, it's my one of my greatest resources of inspiration for my designs, and even for my interior design at home. Pinterest makes me ambitious, too. I've been encouraged to sew, paint and cook. Oh my! I learned how to cook–literally–from recipes on Pinterest. I don't even use cookbooks.

So obviously, if anyone's an advocate of Pinterest–it's me. But I wanted to address a few things that I have felt important–especially for single pinners. I'm writing this solely to challenge your perspective, and certainly not to judge or condemn anyone.

#1 Don't Plan Your Wedding
If you aren't engaged yet, it might be a good idea to not even create a "Wedding Day" Pinterest board. Unless you're aspiring to go into the profession of wedding planning or photography, it's just not a good idea. Girls have a tendency to be very imaginative, and detailed planners. But as a good reminder, a wedding is really not about those decorations, bridal colors, dresses or what chalkboard phrases and fonts you want to use. It's about a covenant bond between you and your husband before God in the presence of your loved ones. When you think about marriage and your future wedding, do so with a Gospel focus instead. A wedding is a picture of the covenant between the church and Christ (and it's also an opportunity to share the Good News with guests that may never set foot in a church on a Sunday morning.)

#2 Don't Plan for Your Future Babies
If you're not married, then you might want to think twice about having a "Baby" board. I can't tell you how many girls I have seen and talked to who would rather be a mom first than a wife. I understand that women are born with maternal dreams and instincts – some more than others. And there is nothing wrong with that! God has uniquely wired us to care for and love little ones, and children are most certainly a great blessing. But if you're single, don't skip ahead and live for the day that you'll become a mother. Enjoy each moment in between! And when you meet that special guy you are going to marry, he is going to want you to love him for him – not what he can give you. It is so important to love your husband first (but second to Jesus, of course).

#3 Don't Pin Celebrities
I've noticed that some people have "Beautiful People" boards or "Celebs." This is one of those boards I cannot completely understand, but can figure it only as a form of idolization. As Christians, we are to live and strive to be like Jesus. But instead, some of us get caught up in idolizing these celebrities that we see in movies and TV shows. We want to look like them, be like them, wish we were famous. It isn't healthy to compare ourselves to others. And it isn't healthy to want to be like someone who is of worldly character. And being married to a photographer/designer and being a designer myself, I can assure you that all those photos you're pinning of these famous people are not their true image. Each person has been heavily Photoshopped and the makeup has been caked on about 20 times. I watched Ben touch up some people who have asked for "heavy photoshop" in the past and it was unbelievable to see the transformation. So don't believe those photos–the majority of them are lies. On the flip side, single girls who are pinning celebrity guys–why? What good does it do you to lust after famous men whom you will most likely never have a relationship with? And really, does that even show any respect to your future husbands, and most importantly, God? No. It doesn't. Don't fall into that trap. It doesn't lead anywhere good.

#4 Don't Let Quotes Replace Your Quiet Time
Several of us have a "Quotes" or "Bible Verses" board. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I want you to examine your heart as you read this. When you are in times of doubt, fear, anxiousness or depression, do you find yourself searching desperately through the quotes section for something to "hold on to?" Do you look for quotes you can relate to, quotes that can give you temporary relief? Maybe even some of them are Bible verses and you store them away. I just want you to look at what you're doing. Are you turning to Pinterest instead of God for comfort in your darkest times? Do you want temporary relief or ultimate peace? Don't forsake your time with God and jump into your day, and then scroll through Pinterest quotes later. It doesn't work that way. In order to have a relationship with God (just as you would in any relationship with anyone), you must spend time with Him. And that means reading your Bible and praying. And it's really helpful when you can start your day off in doing that. I can speak from personal experience that my days go a lot smoother, my tone is a lot nicer, my perspective is a lot less selfish, and my attitude is much better when I have spent time with the Lord first.

I want to leave you with some encouraging verses:

"But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. " - 1 Timothy 6:6-9

Seek His Righteousness First
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." - Matthew 6:33-34

You Can't Even Imagine the Great Plans He Has for You
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him." 
- 1 Corinthians 2:9

God Can Change Your Plans
"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

Just Delight Yourself in Jesus
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." 
- Psalm 37:4-5


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